Yes, I'm gay. I probably was since the day I was born. On my 21st birthday, I sort of had my debut. I came out to my parents. A little drama from mom, and some indifference from dad. An above-average coming out. Almost perfect.

Nine years later, two weeks before my 30th birthday, I found out... I'M HIV POSITIVE.

And so my story begins... I'm BACK IN THE CLOSET.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You and the Youth

Last March 12th was unlike any Saturday. While there was a Yoga for Life session, I was excused because I was to be one of YFL’s representatives to a major major activity of another of the HIV NGOs. Youth AIDS Filipinas Alliance or YAFA was launching its latest awareness campaign. Entitled the I Am Positive campaign, it was brilliant because the heavens know the thought of such a concept had crossed my mind already before. And to see it, albeit not my own doing, made me think, “Damn, brilliant!”


Tuesday, March 08, 2011


devilIn the straight crowd, they say there is such a thing as the seven-year itch, which I think means that seven years into a marriage or relationship, reevaluation of the partnership happens, and infidelity tends to step in. Okay, fine. So maybe I’m not straight enough for this to even remotely apply. But honestly, I am feeling an itch. And it’s been just six months into my relationship. So it’s a six-month itch… not even close to seven years. But already, the itch is creeping in. Heavens help me.


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Prescription for Objection

I first saw a friend’s Facebook post ranting about Ayala Alabang. I didn’t understand really what it was all about, and brushed it off as something personal. Oi, little did I know that there was more to the sentiment. And boy, when I found out, was I shocked! Who wasn’t? Rumor has it, you now need a prescription to buy condoms in Barangay Ayala Alabang.

No... effing... way.